by TheLoveofMyLife | Jan 29, 2016 | Love of My Life, Powdered Donut Manifesto
“Hey dad. There is a full moon today.” My son, Taylor, said this to me several times last Saturday, as he started to raise the walls on his dream, his dream to build a home with Austin Habitat for Humanity in memory of his mom, my bride, Maureen. It was a...
by TheLoveofMyLife | Aug 29, 2015 | Love of My Life, Powdered Donut Manifesto
“We each carry within us our own dragon.” As I sat with my dear friend, Martin Kohout, over a drink this summer, these words didn’t resonate in that moment we were together, but they have been tickling my soul for weeks. As fellow parishioners, Heather Kohout...
by TheLoveofMyLife | Jul 2, 2015 | Love of My Life, Powdered Donut Manifesto
“Thinking about a future without cancer.” Those are the words I wrote as I finished part one of this powdered donut manifesto. It is interesting to look back on those words from the end of May, because so much has happened in June. What is more incredible about this...
by TheLoveofMyLife | Jun 17, 2015 | Love of My Life, Powdered Donut Manifesto
On Friday, June 5, on my way up to Lake Tahoe for my 6th ride in 6 years of 100 miles with Team in Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, I noted as I wrote “Cured,” that it was National Donut Day. I also pointed out that part 2 of the Powdered Donut...
by TheLoveofMyLife | May 26, 2015 | Love of My Life, Powdered Donut Manifesto
For the last several months, I have been privileged to share many stories about the love of my life, Maureen, and our journey together these past 26 years. Not long before my sweetie passed on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, we had reflected on the fact that we had passed...
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